Case Study - M.J.Pancholia College of commerce



M.J.Pancholia College of Commerce

Business Need:
To automate the admission process, hence making it easy, efficient and transperent.

Technology Used :
PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, SMS Gate Way

Solution Developed:
Dezino Graphics team of five developers and 5 QA resources worked with M.J Pancholia College of commerce to design and build a website which is user friendly,dynamic and easily managable. The site consist of client interface where a menu drive design helps students to fill up their application form easily. they are also notified by SMS about there application number and their position in the merit list once the merit list is out, the admin interface also has a menu driven design to faciliatate merit list generation, setting application deadline for different courses and also to add new courses dynamically.
Customer Benefit:
M.J.Pancholia College of Commerce benefited by reducing the time consumed for preparing the merit list manually as well as removing the inconsistency in the manual system. The site not only makes the admission process easy and efficient but also transperent. The student is kept upto date of his/her position in the process of admission and is also notified of the date and time of his/her interveiw according to the merit list.
Web URL: