Company: |
Business Need: |
To provide a portal to diners through which they can book a table, predecide menu and to search upcoming events and promotional offers.
Used : |
PHP, MySQL, JavaScript,WYSIWYG editor.
Solution Developed: |
Dezino Graphics team of five developers and 5 QA resources developed an online portal which is user friendly and dynamic. The menu, events, promotions photo gallery and venues can be managed by the administrator. Diners can book their table using a inbuilt form as well as LiveBookingDirect portal. and regular diners can be notifiied of any upcoming events and promotions by the bulk mailer facility. |
Customer Benefit: |
The Tabla Group benefited by reaching to the diners in their study, making reservations as smooth as silk and making sure that no customers miss any events or promotions offered by them. And an intimation about table booking is sent to the diner by e-mail so he can check back. |
Web URL: | |